Congratulations to Emily Duong, selected student of the month. Emily is a pian
o student here at Valley Conservatory under the instruction of Ms. Jihyun Meredith. She is a 13-year-old, 8th grade student at Discovery Middle School.
Emily began her musical journey around the age of 7. That is when Emily's mom signed her up for piano lessons. Soon after starting lessons, Emily genuinely began to enjoy playing the piano. She says it's become a way to relieve stress!
Emily isn't the only musician in her family. Her younger sister, Michelle, also takes piano lessons at Valley Conservatory, and their mother plays the guitar. So, it makes sense that when we asked Emily what other instrument she'd be interested in learning to play, she replied "maybe the guitar".
Emily is a young lady of many talents and interests. In school, her favorite subjects are math and science. She's even won a lot of the trivia question games played at school, and a few writing awards as well. Emily has also won art contests at the Panoply Art Festival. It's safe to say that Emily is a well-rounded individual!
In her free time, Emily enjoys drawing and reading. She occasionally runs on the treadmill, and watches YouTube videos about video games and some of her favorite celebrities.
The following is a short interview we conducted with Emily:
VC: What type of music do you like to listen to?
Emily: I love pop music. I especially love to listen to 5 Seconds of Summer!
VC: What do you like most about your lessons at Valley Conservatory?
Emily: I love coming to lessons. I get to learn new stuff.
VC: How do you like your teacher?
Emily: Ms. Jihyun is very nice. She's also very talented. She helps me get songs almost perfect in 2 lessons!
VC: Is music a very important part of your life?
Emily: I enjoy music, but its more something I do on the side.
Note from the Director
Dr. Renee Collins Williams
"Developing Better People Through the Medium of Music"
It is raining outside, pouring down rain. At first, all seems to be well. The ground is absorbing the water that is necessary for the growth and survival of all living things. However, it keeps raining and raining. The very substance that is so necessary for life now is too much for the soil to contain. What is wrong? The ground is saturated and the earth is flooded. The element that sustains life, in excess, is now the most destructive force of life.
If we can recognize this in nature, why do we not pick up on the stress signs in our everyday lives and pay attention to the signs when our grounds are becoming saturated? We are flooded with responsibilities, flooded with work, flooded with family obligations, flooded with church obligations, flooded with school obligations, and the list keep mounting, and before you know it, our ground is so saturated we become overwhelmed and can't function.
This Fall, as we are getting back to school and getting our schedules together, let's be careful not to become saturated with all of the responsibilities that come with the new year. Take time to rest and smell the roses. Anything in access, including work, can be dangerous when over extended and there is no balance. Even God realized the importance of balance and rested after he worked for six days. Don't allow your ground to become saturated. Take time to rest!
Valley Conservatory is a music service center that incorporates a holistic approach to music programs designed to develop the total student -- mind, body, and character.
Our philosophy is that the aesthetic and technical aspects of music can be used to teach concepts and principles from academic, physical, spiritual, and social realms.
Valley Conservatory has been providing services in the arts to the Huntsville/Madison County area since 1998 and offers:
Private and class instruction, pre-school through adult
Music education programs, extra curricular and academic programs
Arts learning and exploration through camps and workshops
Customized art experiences for after school programs
A Lyceum series, Jam sessions, and Exhibits
Valley Conservatory Early Music Festival
VC Booking Agency - Musicians for hire for any type of event or occasion
New Students in The VC
The Valley Conservatory is open year-round teaching adults, teens, and children starting at age five. The VC faculty and staff welcome the following students:
Josh B.
Gray C.
Jackson H.
Lilly L.
Liz M.
Andrew M.
Thomas M.
Khai R.
Anthony W.
Kate B.
Rachel C.
Logan H.
Trey L.
Keller M.
David M.
Mara O.
Khale R.
Diamond W.
Clay B.
Hannah C.
Jonah K.
Maryn L.
Morgan M.
Katie M.
Mark O.
Sarah R.
Josiah W.
Virginia C.
Maggie D.
Brayden L.
Emma M.
Owen M.
Samuel M.
Tommy P.
Joshua S.
Teacher of the Month
Congratulations to Ms. Edliv Noel
Congratulations to Edliv Noel, September's teacher of the month. She has been an instructor here at Valley Conservatory for a little over 5 years. Before becoming a teacher at Valley Conservatory, Edliv was a student! She took violin lessons from Dr. Collins for about three years.
Music has always been a part of Edliv's life. Everyone in her family is musical. Her mother is a soprano (just like Edliv), who used to sing frequently. She even got the chance to sing a duet with Larnell Harris when Edliv was younger. Her father was the choir director at their home church. Edliv's brother even plays the piano by ear!
From the age of four, Edliv was deeply invested in music. She played the piano, sang, and then picked up the violin while a student at Oakwood Adventist Academy. She played in her schools' orchestras (in both high school and university). While in college, Edliv pursued a minor in voice.
We asked what drew her to music, she said "My brain works on a musical wavelength. It's just been ingrained from youth." She went on to explain the power of music. Edliv has always appreciated the effect music can have on an individual. It can influence someone's mood, even without lyrics. Edliv explained that when Dr. Collins offered her a position a few years back, she fell in love with teaching music and being able to share her love of music with children. "I have been doing it ever since."
Here's a short interview with the lovely Ms. Edliv, herself!
VC: What are the things you like most about teaching?
Edliv: I love being able to take that fascination and love of music to promote learning and practice in my studio. I also like teaching to meet my students' needs so that they fully understand all the concepts.
VC: How do you inspire students to practice more?
Edliv: I try to keep a stress-free environment during my lessons. I fill it will lots of laughter! I believe that if you're having fun and enjoying yourself, then you'll want to practice. I also try to find pieces that my students want to learn, as an incentive to push toward getting to the level to be able to play it.
VC: What do you feel are the benefits of a child studying music?
Edliv: I think it opens the brain up to learning in a different fashion. It helps with academic learning as well. Studying music also exposes people to a whole different world and culture.
VC: What is your favorite type of music?
Edliv: I like so many different things. But ultimately, I'd have to go with classical/orchestra music.
VC: What do you like most about teaching at Valley Conservatory?
Edliv: I love being able to connect with different types of people. I love having the opportunity to share my love of music. I also have THE BEST students ever!
VC: Did you ever want to give up on music? If so, what advice would you give to a current student who is going through the same thing?
Edliv: I never wanted to give up on music, but I did want to give up on piano for a while. I'd say don't give up! Pick the instrument you love and learn songs that you want to play. Make it fun for yourself!
Refer a Friend
Get A $50 Amazon Gift Card & Be Eligible to Win $100 Cash
If you have a friend who wants to take lessons, refer them to the VC!
There is no limit to the amount of gift cards you can receive,
so start referring your friends today!
Join an Ensemble!
What is an Ensemble?
An ensemble is a group of instruments and instrument combinations ranging from two to eight or more like-skilled players that play all genres of music.
Ensembles will play at various events throughout the year.
All levels, ages, and instruments are available and are strongly encouraged.
Playing in an ensemble gives students opportunities to meet and play with others their age and level, and greatly enhances their musical experience and social interaction.
Students will be placed in an ensemble based on age, ability, instrument, and availability.
Students can play in more than one ensemble.
Students can also form their own ensembles with current Valley Conservatory students.
If you or your child would like to join an ensemble, please email or call (256-534-3131) with the following information:
Available Times (please give as much leeway as possible to help increase chances of finding fellow ensemble players)
Instrument(s) student would like to use
Types of Music preferred (Rock, Jazz, Classical, Pop, etc)
Pet of the Month:
Mr. R2-D2
September's pet of the month has a special place in the heart of one of our faculty members. Laura Knaupp, one of our guitar and piano instructors, is the proud owner/mommy to Mr. R2-D2. As Laura's only pet, Mr. R2-D2 gets all of her love!
R2-D2 is a black, white, and blue Parakeet--an Australian bird, also known as the Budgerigar or Budgie. Do you recognize his name from any movies? Whenever her bird chirps or peeps, Laura says she is reminded of the fictional robot character in the Star Wars franchise.
Laura and her pet bird met about two years ago. When R2-D2 was one year old, a friend of hers was giving him away. Since she had had a pet bird before, there was no hesitation on her part! When they first met, he was shy and scared in the corner of his cage. He seemed to be easily startled. It took him a few months to warm up to his new owner. While he's still a bit shy, R2-D2 loves people. As long as you don't make any sudden, abrupt movements, he's alright! Not only does he love people, this bird loves music. Whenever Laura has guests over, or is playing on the piano, he starts to get excited. He can get pretty loud, as if trying to match the noise!
We asked Laura what her bird likes to do for fun. Her response was hilarious. "He's pretty simple:
He loves to play on his swing.
His favorite room in the house is the family/living room, probably so that he can see when people come and go and keep up with the action.
He also loves to sit on Laura's finger. She hasn't trained him to do many tricks, or even be out of the cage. Nonetheless, R2 is a well-behaved bird.
As always, we asked Laura what musical instrument she would liken her pet, based on his personality. Her response was "the piccolo," because it's a small, high-pitched instrument. R2-D2 sounds like a great pet!
If you have a pet that you would like to be featured as Pet of the month, please submit your entries to Ms. Ebony, Ms. Vivian, or Ms. Savanah at the front desk.
The Musical Ladder System
A Rewards Program
Celebrating Student Achievement * The Musical Ladder System®
Valley Conservatory is the only music school in the Huntsville area that gives its students the opportunity to earn special color wristband bracelets (kids and teens love them!), trophies, AND certificates for passing musical tests with the Musical Ladder System®. Do other schools offer trophies and certificates? A few. But none of them inspire their students with smiling faces by giving them full color, really cool "Musical Ladder System®" wristbands that they can show off to their friends.
More importantly when our students have a test coming up, they practice more, their parents are proud, their teachers are proud, and everybody wins!
Important Dates
September 16, 2018
4:00 pm
Valley Conservatory Early Music Festival
St. Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church
222 Jefferson St. N,
Huntsville, AL 35801
September 23, 2018
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
JAM Session
5650 Sanderson St., Suite B
Huntsville, AL 35805
Happenings at The VC
"Developing Better People Through the Medium of Music"
Valley Conservatory Open House/Fall Festival
On September 9th, from 2 to 5 PM, we had our Open House/Fall Festival at the Hampton Cove Location. The event was a big hit!
There were live performances from many of our students, and even some of our teachers. They really brought the house down! We had instrument play stations, where our guests could try their hands at different instruments. Ms. Alicia oversaw the arts and crafts station, where she painted faces and transformed numerous guests into puppies, flowers, and even instruments. As an added bonus, there were two books on display written by our very own Kenesha Rice. She sold, signed, and read her new children's book,
Vio's Violin, which teaches how to play the Violin. Dianne Burch also had her book on display--
Maxnificent! The Polka Dot Pyrenees.
Valley Conservatory is more than a music school. It's a family of faculty and staff, students, parents/guardians, siblings, and other well-wishers!
We played games, ate food, and some people won prizes. And of course, we played music! You should've been there. If you weren't, be sure to come to our next event. It'll be just as great!
The Valley Conservatory Early Music Festival (VCEMF) was started in 2013 as a way to expose the community to early music and period instruments by providing lectures, master classes and concerts. It is the only early music festival in the southeast region of the country and is an annual event that is held in September.
The Valley Conservatory Early Music Festival Concert will consist of performances by the VCEMF Artists, the Mockingbird Ensemble, and the Rocket City Viols. Works to be performed will include:
Concerto in g minor for Recorder, Oboe, Bassoon and Harpscihord -- Antonio Vivaldi,
Suite in D Major for Violin, Oboe, Bassoon, and Harpischord -- Antoine Dornel,
Sonata La Monica -- Biaggio Marini, and more!
How many of you were at last year's Early Music Festival? It was great! We can only go up from there. Be sure to join us on Sunday, September 16 at 4 PM. We'll be at St. Mary of the Visitation Catholic Church. It's free admission, so be sure to bring a friend!
Additional information regarding the festival is available by contacting 256-534-3131, or emailing us at